New blog

It is my pleasure to inform you that will be the new name of The content of the future blog will be affected by this transition. Even though I enjoy many activities, I still love to travel. I decided that this blog would be more focused on my passion. My travel advices, good addresses and my favourite cities will all be covered in this article. The new name is more in line with my main passion: travels and discovering other horizons.

These fascinating countries are full of surprises, rich in history, culture, and heritage. I look forward to sharing them with you. My articles are grounded in authenticity. This is why I like to share as many personal stories as possible. This adventure is exciting and I hope that you are as much as I am! We will see you soon!


New blog
New blog !
Vietnam landscapes Previous post The essentials of my stay in Vietnam
Ideas to travel on a budget Next post These are 3 ways to save money on travel