"petite Venise" in Colmar

When you hear Colmar, you don’t necessary think about it as a funny place to go on holiday. However, you are wrong ! Indeed, Colmar is a charming city to go on a week-end, to relax and enjoy Alsace’s goods. To make sure you are even more excited to go, here is a guide tour through Colmar.

If you are not familiar with Colmar I can give you an overview.

Colmar, a picturesque city

Colmar is very well-known in Alsace. To avoid becoming lost if you’re planning on going there in the near future, please read these instructions. For example, the ” Little Venice” is a lively, bustling place. This is why it’s called Little Venice. Because a tiny part of the city has water.

Just like the Venice in Italy. This is exactly what makes the island so appealing to tourists. You will need a boat to reach it or visit it. Romantic, isn’t it? This could make a great place to propose (wink at Jules).


"petite Venise" in Colmar
“petite Venise” in Colmar

In the middle of the city is the Kopfhus

It is easy to spot because of its unique architecture. It is located in central Colmar and it’s impossible to miss. The building has been designated a historical monument. It even offers a restaurant.

The menu can be a little expensive but it is worth the price. This is a great place to go on a date, or celebrate an important event (second wink at Jules).


We don’t forget about the Place Rapp

The Statue of the General Rapp is located nearby. This place Rapp, which gets its name from him is always animated in both summer and winter. Colmar was closed to me in the summer, so I couldn’t see all of its fountains. However, I was informed that there is an ice rink in winter. This is a practical option for families vacations.

Colmar is the perfect place to get some fresh air during summer, and you can then spend winter on the French Riviera ! As birds, you can migratre !


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